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FLUKE-376 FC True-RMS Clamp Meter with iFlex18
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Our Price: $659.99
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Product Code: FLUKE-376-FC

Description Specifications
FLUKE-376 FC offers measurements up to 1000V and 1000A, AC or DC, plus an included Flexible Current Clamp for up to 2500A AC.  Connect your meter to your smartphone with Fluke Connect.  Read measurements on your phone at a safe distance, wearing less PPE while your meter takes all the risks.  Record results directly to your phone and the Cloud Capture intermittent faults while performing other tasks using the logging capabilities of the Fluke 376 FC.  Create and share reports from the field via email, or converse in real-time with ShareLive video calls Integrated VFD low pass filter for accurate motor drive measurements. Proprietary inrush measurement technology to filter out noise and capture motor starting current exactly as the circuit protection sees it CAT IV 600 V, CAT III 1000 V safety rating Three-year warranty

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